Assault on a Government Official

Assault on a government official is a form of simple assault that is committed against a government official, such as a police officer, probation officer, parole officer or judge. For obvious reasons, judges tend to take these offenses especially seriously, so it is essential anyone charged with this crime reaches out to a Charlotte criminal defense lawyer with specific experience handling assault on a government official cases.
At the Olsinski Law Firm, PLLC, our simple assault lawyers proudly stand up for the rights and freedoms of clients facing assault on a government official. We have more than two decades of hands-on experience aggressively fighting for the rights of our clients, and we look forward to discussing how we can help with your case. We offer free consultations and are immediately available to meet with you to talk about your defense.
How Serious is Assault on a Government Official?Assault on a government official or employee is a misdemeanor – but a very serious misdemeanor charge. Given the nature of the offense, it is not uncommon for judges to sentence those convicted of assault on a government official to a jail term, even though one isn’t required for a misdemeanor conviction.
What Does the Prosecution Need to Prove to Establish You Assaulted a Government Official?Since assault on a government official is just a simple assault committed against a specific class of people, the same elements of an assault are required. Thus, the prosecution must prove that you unlawfully touched another person or attempted to do so and that the alleged victim was a government official. There is no requirement that physical contact occurred or, if it did, that the alleged victim was injured. However, the prosecution must prove that the government official was in the process of carrying out their duties at the time of the alleged assault. For example, if your neighbor was a judge, and you got into a fight about something unrelated to her position as a judge, prosecutors couldn’t’ charge you with assault on a government official (but you could still face simple assault charges).
The Olsinski Law Firm, PLLC, has specific experience fighting all types of assault charges, including assault on a government official. We recognize that these cases often present an uphill battle because judges and juries will often side with the officer or government official. And while this can make our more difficult, there are viable defenses to these allegations.
Defenses to Assault on a Government Official in North CarolinaBecause assault on a government official is a form of simple assault, all the same defenses apply. For example, self-defense, defense of others, lack of intent, and misidentification can all make it harder, if not impossible, for the prosecution to prove a case against you. In addition, we’ve had success challenging the element requiring that the alleged victim was in the course of carrying out their duties at the time of the alleged assault.
The Olsinski Law Firm, PLLC, has handled many cases involving an assault on a government official in Charlotte; we recommend you consult with an attorney at our office as soon as you can to go over your options.
Speak with an Attorney Experienced in Handling Assault on a Government Official Cases in CharlotteIf you’ve recently been charged with assault on a government official, such as a police officer, probation officer, or judge, it is imperative that you have a dedicated Charlotte criminal defense attorney representing your interest. At the Olsinski Law Firm, PLLC, we are dedicated to fighting for you. We know police make mistakes, and, like every profession, there are some bad apples in the bunch. We pride ourselves in our ability to effectively expose alleged victims’ biases, exaggerations, and downright lies, and will effectively explain to the judge or jury that you should not be convicted. To learn more, and to schedule a free consultation today, call 704-405-2850, or connect with us through our secure online contact form.